
The Sun Signs Part II : The 12 signs and what they have to say for themselves!

Before we dive in a note about the Sun signs:

As we learn more about the birth chart you will come to see and understand that everyone has the 12 signs somewhere in their chart. On top of that our planets are generally scattered into a few signs, not just our own. So that being said, if you don't vibe with your Sun sign don't let that get you down or discourage you from learning more. You may come to find that you have such powerful influence from one or two other signs that they drown out your sun to an extend. As you read on just remember, as mentioned earlier, the sun sign is like the club we belong it. It's basic overall view. Some my deeply or over identify with it, and others rarely or only in very specific circumstances. 

Aries are natural leaders with a “what you see is what you get” attitude. They like to be number one, need physical activity and do well in extreme sports and competitions. They can also be aggressive, stubborn and restless. Associated with the Ram, Aries can be quite quick tempered and unless they plan on having a career in professional fighting or sports, should learn positive outlets for their bursts of anger. They are impulsive and this can lead to difficulties and/or accidents because they don't look before they leap. Aries Sun signs are optimistic, quick-witted, brave, take charge people! (Aries is Cardinal Fire sign)

Taurus Sun signs are stable and reliable people with strong values. They may seem to move at a slower pace than others, but it's because they like to take their time and do things at their own speed. They appreciate the beautiful things in life and are not afraid of hard work. Well known for their stubbornness, they can have rigid views and be quite argumentative. Trying to get an apology out of a Taurus can be like pulling teeth! With a love of comfort they must watch for laziness, addictions, and overindulgence. Taurus Suns are loyal and loving people who make great friends and partners. (Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign)

The sign of the twins, Gemini may seem and feel like two people in one. With split minds, interests and needs. They are communication oriented, active, affectionate and generous people. But can also be complex, contradictory and restless. They have a need for change and can hop from one thing to another because of it. Ever date a person who seemed really into you on Monday and disinterested on Tuesday? Was probably a Gemini! These playful intellectuals love mental challenges, and do well in anything from debate to technology. Their minds seem to move at the speed of light with their bodies struggling to keep up. Gemini Suns are multi-talented, determined, popular and stimulating people. (Gemini is a Mutable Air sign)

Cancer Sun signs are highly intuitive, protective and emotional beings. They are family oriented, love their privacy, and have a strong need for comfort and security. You know that friend who makes you feel like the most important, and most understood person in the world? She's probably a Cancer! They experience the world so intensely that need time to hide from the world around them to recharge their batteries. Because of this hermit like nature they can get lost in their own minds, dwell in the past, and suffer from melancholy. Cancers tend to jump into their shell at the slightest sign of trouble, because of this life could be passing them by while they are too busy protecting themselves. Cancers are strong, creative, dedicated, romantic and loyal people. (Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign)

Leo Sun signs are strong-willed, loyal and independent people. The natural actors of the zodiac they love to be the center of attention. Motivated and determined, they are extremely sensitive to criticism, and are slow to forgive when hurt. They can be stubborn and temperamental beings, and without direction can be arrogant or overly demanding. Leo Suns can also be conceited and self absorbed, worst case scenario doing anything possible to remain in the limelight. This of course causes many problems for them from addictions, bad life choices and negative affects on their social life. That vibrant multi-talented soul in the room that everyone is pulled to is most likely a Leo! Leo Suns dream big, demand respect and love to live full and fruitful lives. (Leo is a Fixed Fire sign)

Virgo Sun signs seek perfection in everything! They are very charming, fastidious, intellectual and methodical people. Because of a need to compartmentalize everything in their life, it's important for them to practice balancing the mind and body. They have a tendency to micromanage and be over-critical of others. This is because they suppress their emotions to exercise self control. If they are not careful they can become hypochondriacs, worry wort's and Nagging Nancie's. They can't control everything, and it's a hard lesson for them to learn. If they are true to themselves and open with others they can overcome the cold impression they give off. They are smart, hardworking and dedicated people who need to take time to relax and enjoy the world around them. A Virgo who knows how to let her hair down is fun and intellectually stimulating company! (Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign) 

Libra Suns work their whole lives for the achievement of balance and harmony. They are social and popular people with good taste and an eye for beauty. The desire for peace is so strong for them that they often compromise their personalities to keep things peaceful around them. Libra Suns can be flighty, shallow, indecisive and "people pleasures".  This can make them seem untrustworthy or manipulative in certain situations because they will play both sides of the fence to please the other parties. For example if caught in the middle of a fight, Libra might side with both friends. Despite Libra's good intentions this may cause more harm than good. These sensitive and understanding people are often artistically gifted with a strong dislike of conflict and drama. A balanced Libra is lovely and inspiring being. (Libra is a Cardinal Air sign)

Oh Scorpios!I have a soft spot for them, and with a stellium in Scorpio in my own chart I feel the need to represent them in a better light. We've all heard the words “intense, vengeful  private and calculating” in regards to this sign. Since their negative traits have been beaten to death let’s talk about the good stuff. Did you know that they are as sensitive as you can get? They are strong willed, self-reliant people with a special something that either attracts, intimidates or repels others. They have deep imaginations, great analytic skills and strong powers of reason. Are you into the occult? Healing work? Anything metaphysical? Get a Scorpio friend with the same interest and watch the magic happen! Moderation in anything is hard for these passionate souls, but once they learn self control they can get more out of life than they did by having their cake and eating it too. (Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign)

Sagittarius Sun Signs are big hearted, optimistic, adventurous and independent people. They are passionate about justice, insistent on freedom and love travel. They see life as an adventure and because of that attract others easily, making them quite popular. They even seem to collect friends! They can be restless, inconsiderate, afraid of commitment, and brutally honest. When angry they are known to hurt others with their words because they have a habit of speaking first and thinking later. They can also shoot off at the mouth, and shout over the other person instead of listening. Or scrutinize someone for doing something that they themselves did a week earlier. They must practice caution with their risk taking natures to avoid getting into dangerous situations. Sagittarius Suns are fun, idealistic, lively and active people. I am lucky to know a few of them and I'm always excited to be in their company. (Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire sign) 


Capricorn Sun signs are practical, self-confident, hardworking and determined people. They often see things through to the end and have no problem rolling up their sleeves to get the job done. Caps are resourceful and disciplined people who seem aloof or rigid to others. They have a tendency to take themselves too seriously, can be overly cautious, pessimistic and become workaholics.  Ever date someone who was too busy for you and spent all their time at work? Familiar with the story of the pros porous husband who worked all the time and only after his divorce realized he should have given his marriage more attention? Have a friend who is such a penny pincher but is NEVER behind on bills and actually has a savings account? Maybe these people were Caps! I have some wonderful Capricorns in my life, and all they need to add to their tool kit of success is some laughs, some good friends and a weekly spa day. They are clear headed, determined, rational people with great memories. (Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth sign)

Aquarius Sun Signs are free-spirited, innovative and eccentric. These intellectual outsiders are gifted with an analytical mind and often seem strange or just plain hard to read to others. They can be high stressed, worrisome, detached, afraid of commitment and cold. When they shut down it is near impossible to get them to open up. And trying to figure out what they are thinking is almost an impossible task. Aquarians like to share their knowledge, but they run the risk of coming off as "know it alls" at times. They are more comfortable in the world of ideas and must learn to live in reality and connect to others emotionally. Aquarius Suns are outgoing, charming, smart and funny people with more than 2 cents to offer to any conversation. Need help with a creative project? Want to go out for some laughs and a good time? Need a friend to do that thing with you  that all your other friends are too chicken to do? Call up an Aquarius! (Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign)

As a Pisces one of my pet peeves is the way MANY sources start a Pisces description. We are unique, multi layered beings and sadly get simplified under “emotional and easily hurt”. So as a Pisces I will defend my army! Pisces Suns signs are spiritual, compassionate and loving people. They are often misread or misunderstood. Did you know that Pisces is a combination of all the signs before it? Does that weird Pisces at your job make more sense now?

With strong intuition, deep emotions and instincts they tend to stay to themselves and observe the world around them before participating in it. Besides Gemini, Pisces is the only other double sign with two versions of themselves. One side is involved in reality, the other in the realms beyond. Because of this Pisces are in danger of feeling lost, confused and being “spaced out”. They can also fall into escapism to avoid dealing with reality, therefore making addictions a possibility. Their physical world is closely tied to their emotional, so their inner antenna can dictate the way they live their lives. This can make Pisces seem unreliable, dramatic and easily distracted. If Pisces is not careful, and doesn't stay grounded they do become these things! The goal is to unite the two energies to exist happily on the road between reality and dreams. Pisces are creative, psychic, loving and loyal beings with a flare for the metaphysical and the things we cannot see. (Pisces is a Mutable Water sign)

Up next.....The Rising Signs!


Sun Signs! Part I

What is a Sun sign? The Sun signs are the basis for the horoscope, it's the "club" we belong to based on our birthday. The dates get tricky if you were born on the cusp of a sign. For example, if you were born April 20th, you could be an Aries or a Taurus according to what book, website or source you use. The best way to fix this is to look up your chart, or get it done by someone. That way you know exactly where the sun was the year you were born, therefore knowing your real sun sign. We will discuss cusp birthdays further at another time.

Now back to this club business. If you were born on March 3rd, you are a member of the Pisces club. Does it mean you are just like everyone in your club? No, but you share some basic similarities and core values that make you part of that group. The Sun sign describes our basic personality traits that remain constant throughout life. It represents our innermost, truest self. There are also three subcategories the signs are divided into. One is called the elements (The four elements are air, fire, water and earth.), the other modalities (cardinal, fixed, mutable). 

The 12 signs and their Element

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Fire astrology signs can sure heat up a room! They are passionate, quick to action, temperamental and adventurous. The key to this element is management. If their fire is not used properly they can burn everything in their path, then burn themselves out! They can be great leaders and self starters. They just have to remember to look before they leap! 

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Water signs can be a cool drink on a summer day, or like diving into the mysterious depths of the ocean. Think about it, contained water is easy to deal with, but water that is un-contained can cause damage or drown its surroundings. Water signs are tuned into the emotional and psychic currents of life. Because they are so in-tune they have to remember not to allow themselves to be swept away with the currents! 

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Earth is the foundation on which everything is built. Earth astrology signs are grounded, stable and dependable. No space cadets or head in clouds types here. They dislike change more than the average person, and are steady and patient. They do have to watch for tendencies toward  possessiveness, worrying and materialism. 

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Air signs love freedom! Don't fence me in and Let me spread my wings are great expressions for them. They are innovative, intellectual types that possess a natural knack for communicating. But they can live too much in their own heads, and must watch out for being emotionally detached, judgmental, and scattered. 

The 12 signs and their Modalities 

Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) - Active, ambitious, dynamic, direct, impulsive, impatient

Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) - Stable, persistent, organized, courageous, stubborn, bossy 

Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) - Adaptable, flexible, tolerant, changeable, cynical, tactless

Up next: Part II - The 12 signs and what they have to say for themselves! 


The Houses in the Birth chart

The birth chart is comprised of many parts and requires some specific information to calculate correctly. One would need to know the day, month, year, exact time and place of birth. Don't know all of that? That's okay too, charts can be done with less information, but for accuracy it's important to have all the details. Think of it as the ingredients to that special pie that only you know how to make. Miss an ingredient or two and it's still a pie, but not as special as it could be. One of my favorite descriptions of the birth chart comes from the book Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook. The author Debbi Kempton-Smith refers to the birth chart as, "A big pizza pie divided into twelve pieces." In astro talk, these pieces are referred to as houses. There are twelve of them in total and each house has a specific meaning and purpose.” The Birth chart, what’s it all about? Part I (previous post)

The planets need a place to live in the chart, theses are the houses. They don’t only provide shelter for the planets but the houses also makes it possible for us the read the chart itself. Imagine a wheel with planets splattered in it without the divisions of the houses, where would we even start? How would we decipher what planets affect your home life vs your career? Lets give a round of applause for the houses!

Before we dive into the descriptions below: if you are a beginner, and don't want to feel too overwhelmed don't worry about the "deeper astrology" information (in blue type) just yet. My advice? Read the basic description and start to associate keywords with the houses. This is a great way to learn and digest the information. For example: 1st house + Self + Appearance

The houses and their descriptions:

1st House “Me, me and more me!”

The first house is the house of “I”, it plays a role in how we look, our personality, leadership abilities, the first impression we make, our ego, how we feel about our ourselves and is the home of the rising sign. Basically it rules our outward and superficial traits. (Deeper astrology: The 1st house corresponds to Aries, the 1st sign of the zodiac, and it's ruler Mars. It's also a Cardinal Fire House.)

2nd House “That’s mine!”

The second house is the home of money, possessions, security and self worth. The second house also rules both what you can and can’t buy (talent, self-esteem). Want to see if someone is greedy or generous before you shake hands on that deal? You may want to take a look at their second house! (Deeper astrology: This house corresponds to the 2nd sign of the zodiac Taurus, and it's ruler Venus. It's also a Fixed Earth house.)

3rd House “Communication is the key.”

The third house rules all forms of communication, technology, education up to the college level, short trips, modes of transportation (cars, buses etc) and how the mind works.  Look to this house to better understand the ways you to learn and how you process information.This house is also where you can find information on ones brothers, sisters and near relatives.(Deeper astrology: 3rd house corresponds to the third sign of the zodiac Gemini, and it's ruler Mercury. It is a Mutable Air house.)

4th House “ Home is where the heart is.”

The fourth house rules the home (childhood and current), roots, ancestors, one’s attitude toward their family, and their ability to nurture others emotionally. One’s formative years are shown in this house as well as their relationship or lack thereof with the parent of lesser influence. Here, we also find indicators of what to expect during old age. (Deeper astrology: This house is ruled by Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, and it's ruler the Moon.  It is a Cardinal Water house.)

5th House “The fun stuff.”

The fifth house rules love affairs, self expression, creativity, romance and how you have fun. This is usually a strong house for those with a flare for the dramatic, as it rules theater  drama, showbiz and art. We also find ones ability to take risks, play sports or get caught up in things like gambling here. The fifth house shows us how we give and receive love, and how we perceive the love we got as children. The desire to become a parent and have children is also found here. (Deeper astrology: This house is ruled by Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac, and it's ruler the Sun. It is a Fixed Fire house.) 

6th House “Health and the everyday stuff.”

The sixth house is the home of work and service. It rules over our everyday work, and give clues to our highest career goals by showing us where how we can serve. Here we can find clues to our personal style, how we handle the day to day and how we approach our health. So diets, exercise, food, and health issues can all be found here. This house also gives clues to ones cleanliness or lack thereof, and whether or not they are likely to own/work with pets and animals. (Deeper astrology: This house is ruled by Virgo the sixth sign of the zodiac, and it's ruler Mercury. It is a Mutable Earth house.)

7th House “WE not me”

Partnerships and togetherness, that’s what this house is about. Here we find marriage, business partners, clients, live in & serious relationships, mentors and best friends. How one deals with the public and their ability to work with others can also be found here. Furthermore enemies (that you are aware of) and opponents are also under this house. This house also gives us clues to what a person lacks, or think they lack and look for in others. (Deeper astrology: The 7th house corresponds to the 7th sign of the zodiac Libra, and it's ruler Venus. This is a Cardinal Air house.) 

8th House “Pandora’s Box.”

The infamous eighth house is about sex, death, shared resources, other peoples money, legacies, rebirth, transformation and the occult. Here we can uncover secrets, and seek understanding and go DEEP. People with an interest in psychology, therapy, tantra, the occult and detective work usually have strong eighth houses. What are your fetishes? How do you response to emotional crisis? Do you require really deep otherworldly one on one relationships? The answers can be found in this house! (Deeper astrology: The 8th house is ruled by the 8th sign Scorpio and it's ruler Pluto. This house is Fixed Water. Esoteric ruler is Mars) ***see note below

9th House “What I practice, where I study and what I believe.”

This is the house of adventure, truth seeking, religion/spirituality, higher education, our higher mind and long journeys we may take. Here we can find one’s philosophy, their style of higher education and ones principles or lack there of. This is also the house of groups, large enterprises, publishing and one’s faith. This house is associated with foreigners, voyages, where we seek guidance and wisdom. (Deeper astrology: The 9th house is ruled by the ninth sign of the zodiac Sagittarius and it's ruler Jupiter. This is a Mutable Fire house.) 

10th House “Career, social status and goals.”

This house rules career, public image, ones goals in life and the parent of greater influence. We can also look to this house to find information about ones reputation, best professional choices, the credit or lack there of they receive and what they are striving for. One's sense of responsibility, duty and whether or not they are seeking fame can also be found here. (Deeper astrology: This house it ruled by the 10th sign Capricorn and it's ruler Saturn. a Cardinal Earth house.)

11th House “Social butterfly or loner?”

The 11th house rules our friends, wishes, and our social life. Anything concerning groups, benefactors, large numbers of people or our peers can also be found here. The 11th house influence in a chart could indicate popularity, luck through social interactions, a need to help others and better the world, or social rejection. (Deeper astrology: This house is ruled by Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac and it's ruler Uranus. It is a Fixed Air house.)

12th House “Well, that’s a private matter.”

Oh the 12th house, one of my favorite subjects (tied for first place with the 8th house)! In this house we find psychological problems, psychic abilities, restrictions (including self imposed ones) intuition and reckoning. Karma, past lives, and the unconscious all dwell in this house. One's hidden power, abilities, strengths, secret affairs and healing power can also be uncovered here. (Deeper astrology: Ruled by the 12th sign Pisces and it's ruler Neptune. A Mutable Water house.)

***A note about Scorpio ruler Pluto: 
Yes, poor Pluto who was cast aside (demoted from being a planet by scientist) because it was too cool and intense to deal with. I still use Pluto as a planet, as does other astrologers. So it's your call. If you prefer to not use Pluto then refer to the esoteric ruler of Scorpio which is Mars. Just replace this with Pluto and your set to keep on studying. And Yes, some signs share planets. It's okay :)


The Birth chart

One of the most common questions from skeptics is, "If astrology is true, how could it possibly describe everyone? Not all (inject sign) are alike." That is where the birth chart comes in! The sun sign is the most basic description of a personality type. It is where the Sun was located at the time of your birth. Compare it to times when you have to "describe yourself in a few words." The birth chart acts as your personal blueprint, it is a snapshot of where all the planets were, and what they were doing the moment you were born.

Say there are two people, both born on January 3rd in New York, NY. Person A was born in 1984 at 10 am and person B in 1985 at 11:35 am. Both Capricorns, they share a sun sign but have different birth charts. The planets have mostly moved since 1984 giving person B a different set of planet locations.

The Birth chart, what's it made of?

The birth chart is comprised of many parts and requires some specific information to calculate correctly. One would need to know the day, month, year, exact time and place of birth. Don't know all of that? That's okay too, charts can be done with less information, but for accuracy it's important to have all the details. Think of it as the ingredients to that special pie that only you know how to make. Miss an ingredient or two and it's still a pie, but not as special as it could be. One of my favorite descriptions of the birth chart comes from the book Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook. The author Debbi Kempton-Smith refers to the birth chart as, "A big pizza pie divided into twelve pieces." In astro talk, these pieces are referred to as houses. There are twelve of them in total and each house has a specific meaning and purpose.

Before we get to that, I'd like to address the Rising Sign, also known as the ascendant. The first house is also the home of ones Rising sign. The rising sign is the first impression we give. Have you ever heard someone say, "you are hilarious, you seemed so serious when I met you" or "you are so quiet, that night we met you were talking a mile a minute." Those are perfect examples of how the rising sign works. It is who we are to the world, the faces and roles we play, the way people see us at first, or the way associates and strangers see us.  The rising sign isn't all superficial though, it can be a wonderful tool to use in conjunction with your sun sign. For example, meet Sara : She is a quiet Cancer who loves to stay home and has friends over more than she goes out. Her rising sign is Leo, the complete opposite of a home body. She looks like a Cancer except for the fact that she is an eccentric dresser and loves to wear lipstick everywhere. Sara is comfortably using her Leo ascendant to an extent. But to get the maximum benefit she could tap into that lion energy and become the life of the party instead of leaning against the wall and talking to the people she already knows.

How do you find out your rising sign? This is where those details come in handy. With all the ingredients to the pie, one can find their rising sign sitting high and mighty at the first house in their chart. The rising sign changes with the hours throughout the day, making it possible for people born the same day to have different ascendants. Imagine two babies born on February 3rd, one is born at 10 am and one at noon. Baby A and baby B are both Aquarius but baby A is an Aries rising and baby B is a Gemini rising. Both grow up and use that Aquarian genius and become inventors. Baby A invents a new innovative fitness clothing line and baby B invents a new way to communicate and surf the web faster than ever before. See how that worked out? Aquarians are known for their great ideas, with an Aries rising baby A was interested in movement therefore drawn to fitness. And baby B with a Gemini rising was naturally drawn to communication and technology.

The rising sign can also affect the way we look, move, talk, and the way we want to be treated. In combination with your sun, the ascendant gives you your own individual style of expressing your sign. The sun sign is the cake and the rising sign is the type of icing on top.

Stay tuned for part two of this entry! I will continue to discuss the 12 houses and what they each mean.


Our individual road map: And how I got started

I started my journey into astrology land in high school. I was fed up with the newspaper horoscopes and the run of the mill descriptions in the available books. I reached a point where I raised my fists in the air, shaking them madly and declaring "There must be more to this! And I'm going to discover what that is!"

And thank goddess I sure did. When college came around I didn't have much time to study astrology, I was working on theater homework and criminal psychology papers instead. But I always made some time to sit by the lake with a book, a pen and paper to take notes. Astrology my dear, I always found time for you. Over the years I learned the beauty of our individual road map that is the birth chart.

The beauty of astrology is simple to me, once you begin you are an eternal student. There are so many layers! So much to learn when every tiny little thing, every degrees, every aspect means something. Now, how can that be a crock of bull? If so, it's one hell of a painstaking crock of bull don't you think?

The challenge of learning something that requires so much time and effort (thanks to my mars in Scorpio) excites me. I realized over the years just how excited I get when I meet an astrology newbie, how happy I am to explain what it is and how it works. Honestly, I'm pretty much a dork about it all. After all this time of denying myself a platform, I'm feeling that lioness roar and I'm ready to ramble about what I love to the public. Let's open up our 9th houses and get this road trip started!