
The Houses in the Birth chart

The birth chart is comprised of many parts and requires some specific information to calculate correctly. One would need to know the day, month, year, exact time and place of birth. Don't know all of that? That's okay too, charts can be done with less information, but for accuracy it's important to have all the details. Think of it as the ingredients to that special pie that only you know how to make. Miss an ingredient or two and it's still a pie, but not as special as it could be. One of my favorite descriptions of the birth chart comes from the book Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook. The author Debbi Kempton-Smith refers to the birth chart as, "A big pizza pie divided into twelve pieces." In astro talk, these pieces are referred to as houses. There are twelve of them in total and each house has a specific meaning and purpose.” The Birth chart, what’s it all about? Part I (previous post)

The planets need a place to live in the chart, theses are the houses. They don’t only provide shelter for the planets but the houses also makes it possible for us the read the chart itself. Imagine a wheel with planets splattered in it without the divisions of the houses, where would we even start? How would we decipher what planets affect your home life vs your career? Lets give a round of applause for the houses!

Before we dive into the descriptions below: if you are a beginner, and don't want to feel too overwhelmed don't worry about the "deeper astrology" information (in blue type) just yet. My advice? Read the basic description and start to associate keywords with the houses. This is a great way to learn and digest the information. For example: 1st house + Self + Appearance

The houses and their descriptions:

1st House “Me, me and more me!”

The first house is the house of “I”, it plays a role in how we look, our personality, leadership abilities, the first impression we make, our ego, how we feel about our ourselves and is the home of the rising sign. Basically it rules our outward and superficial traits. (Deeper astrology: The 1st house corresponds to Aries, the 1st sign of the zodiac, and it's ruler Mars. It's also a Cardinal Fire House.)

2nd House “That’s mine!”

The second house is the home of money, possessions, security and self worth. The second house also rules both what you can and can’t buy (talent, self-esteem). Want to see if someone is greedy or generous before you shake hands on that deal? You may want to take a look at their second house! (Deeper astrology: This house corresponds to the 2nd sign of the zodiac Taurus, and it's ruler Venus. It's also a Fixed Earth house.)

3rd House “Communication is the key.”

The third house rules all forms of communication, technology, education up to the college level, short trips, modes of transportation (cars, buses etc) and how the mind works.  Look to this house to better understand the ways you to learn and how you process information.This house is also where you can find information on ones brothers, sisters and near relatives.(Deeper astrology: 3rd house corresponds to the third sign of the zodiac Gemini, and it's ruler Mercury. It is a Mutable Air house.)

4th House “ Home is where the heart is.”

The fourth house rules the home (childhood and current), roots, ancestors, one’s attitude toward their family, and their ability to nurture others emotionally. One’s formative years are shown in this house as well as their relationship or lack thereof with the parent of lesser influence. Here, we also find indicators of what to expect during old age. (Deeper astrology: This house is ruled by Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, and it's ruler the Moon.  It is a Cardinal Water house.)

5th House “The fun stuff.”

The fifth house rules love affairs, self expression, creativity, romance and how you have fun. This is usually a strong house for those with a flare for the dramatic, as it rules theater  drama, showbiz and art. We also find ones ability to take risks, play sports or get caught up in things like gambling here. The fifth house shows us how we give and receive love, and how we perceive the love we got as children. The desire to become a parent and have children is also found here. (Deeper astrology: This house is ruled by Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac, and it's ruler the Sun. It is a Fixed Fire house.) 

6th House “Health and the everyday stuff.”

The sixth house is the home of work and service. It rules over our everyday work, and give clues to our highest career goals by showing us where how we can serve. Here we can find clues to our personal style, how we handle the day to day and how we approach our health. So diets, exercise, food, and health issues can all be found here. This house also gives clues to ones cleanliness or lack thereof, and whether or not they are likely to own/work with pets and animals. (Deeper astrology: This house is ruled by Virgo the sixth sign of the zodiac, and it's ruler Mercury. It is a Mutable Earth house.)

7th House “WE not me”

Partnerships and togetherness, that’s what this house is about. Here we find marriage, business partners, clients, live in & serious relationships, mentors and best friends. How one deals with the public and their ability to work with others can also be found here. Furthermore enemies (that you are aware of) and opponents are also under this house. This house also gives us clues to what a person lacks, or think they lack and look for in others. (Deeper astrology: The 7th house corresponds to the 7th sign of the zodiac Libra, and it's ruler Venus. This is a Cardinal Air house.) 

8th House “Pandora’s Box.”

The infamous eighth house is about sex, death, shared resources, other peoples money, legacies, rebirth, transformation and the occult. Here we can uncover secrets, and seek understanding and go DEEP. People with an interest in psychology, therapy, tantra, the occult and detective work usually have strong eighth houses. What are your fetishes? How do you response to emotional crisis? Do you require really deep otherworldly one on one relationships? The answers can be found in this house! (Deeper astrology: The 8th house is ruled by the 8th sign Scorpio and it's ruler Pluto. This house is Fixed Water. Esoteric ruler is Mars) ***see note below

9th House “What I practice, where I study and what I believe.”

This is the house of adventure, truth seeking, religion/spirituality, higher education, our higher mind and long journeys we may take. Here we can find one’s philosophy, their style of higher education and ones principles or lack there of. This is also the house of groups, large enterprises, publishing and one’s faith. This house is associated with foreigners, voyages, where we seek guidance and wisdom. (Deeper astrology: The 9th house is ruled by the ninth sign of the zodiac Sagittarius and it's ruler Jupiter. This is a Mutable Fire house.) 

10th House “Career, social status and goals.”

This house rules career, public image, ones goals in life and the parent of greater influence. We can also look to this house to find information about ones reputation, best professional choices, the credit or lack there of they receive and what they are striving for. One's sense of responsibility, duty and whether or not they are seeking fame can also be found here. (Deeper astrology: This house it ruled by the 10th sign Capricorn and it's ruler Saturn. a Cardinal Earth house.)

11th House “Social butterfly or loner?”

The 11th house rules our friends, wishes, and our social life. Anything concerning groups, benefactors, large numbers of people or our peers can also be found here. The 11th house influence in a chart could indicate popularity, luck through social interactions, a need to help others and better the world, or social rejection. (Deeper astrology: This house is ruled by Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac and it's ruler Uranus. It is a Fixed Air house.)

12th House “Well, that’s a private matter.”

Oh the 12th house, one of my favorite subjects (tied for first place with the 8th house)! In this house we find psychological problems, psychic abilities, restrictions (including self imposed ones) intuition and reckoning. Karma, past lives, and the unconscious all dwell in this house. One's hidden power, abilities, strengths, secret affairs and healing power can also be uncovered here. (Deeper astrology: Ruled by the 12th sign Pisces and it's ruler Neptune. A Mutable Water house.)

***A note about Scorpio ruler Pluto: 
Yes, poor Pluto who was cast aside (demoted from being a planet by scientist) because it was too cool and intense to deal with. I still use Pluto as a planet, as does other astrologers. So it's your call. If you prefer to not use Pluto then refer to the esoteric ruler of Scorpio which is Mars. Just replace this with Pluto and your set to keep on studying. And Yes, some signs share planets. It's okay :)