
Nessus in Astrology: Deviant Sexuality, Abuse and Obsession in the Astrological Chart

I'm a big fan of asteroids, and spend many late nights researching them. I'm obsessed, yes, there I said it. As someone who needs to learn on a continuous basis astrology is perfect for me. When studying Astrology one remains a student for a very long time. There is so much to learn that it really is a life study. 

I played around with asteroids briefly over the years, mainly the asteroid goddesses (Juno, Vesta, Ceres and Athena), but let's save that for another post. Depending on what Astrologer you talk to asteroids are either useful or useless. Asteroids travel through our solar system, just like the planets do, and I believe when used in readings they can add extra insight and information to a chart. 

Mythology of Nessus: A brief Introduction

I do not own this image. 

Nessus was one of the Centaurs in Greek Mythology. He was a ferry man at the river Eunos. During his time at this job he became obsessed with Hercules' wife Dejanira as she needed to cross the river. He offered his help, offering trust to help her along the way. Instead,  depending on what version of the myth you come across he either attempted to force himself of on her, abducted her or actually raped her. Hercules slew Nessus with arrows as revenge. As Nessus was dying he persuaded Dejanira to take some of his (poisonous) blood to use as a tincture to "keep Hercules faithful"...he was known for his adultery. Nessus successfully tricked her, as his poisonous blood killed Hercules. Dejanira, out of jealous rage over another woman, a few years later exposed Hercules to the blood. Realizing what it actually was then it was too late.  

Nessus in Astrology

I do not own this image. 

Nessus 7066 - Orbit connects to Saturn and Pluto

Nessus themes based on the mythology: Uncontrollable lust, sexual violence, trust thwarted, saving a life, revenge, taking life, victim/predator, deceit and temptation. 

So what does this mean in our own charts? 

First, wherever Nessus shows up does not have to scare us to death, please don't look it up and run away screaming. Just keep in mind that the area where it is placed can get really dark. Where Nessus falls we could face: trauma, deception, abuse of trust, poisonous situations, the darkest human passions...but there is also the theme of being saved, like Dejanira in the myth, you can save yourself, save others or someone else will save you in the area indicated. 

A person's Nessus placement does not immediately indicate that they possess the worst traits of this asteroid. Yes, there are extremes (Nessus can be prominent in the chart of abusers and people who don't have/ or don't honor sexual boundaries) but it is also prominent in the charts of those who fight against sexual abuse and stand up for those who have been sexually abused.There is a chance these humanitarians went though these dark experiences themselves as well, but this is not a fact that is written in stone. Just a possibility. 

Another big thing to know about Nessus is it can help us end patterns of helplessness and oppression. Are we attracting Nessus situations into our lives? Why? Where does it stem from? How do we end the vicious cycle? Nessus also helps us sever ties that bind us, ties that if we don't sever them they may just forever harm us ( at the worst maybe even kill us). Nessus will reveal the truth to us in a painful way, but it gives us a chance to get out before it gets worst. This is where Nessus in transits becomes really important, pay attention to Nessus transits at they can signify the end to something major. 

Nessus in the Astrological Houses

The descriptions below are a mix of information I have accumulated and my own theories. I'm still learning and searching for information on the not so popular asteroids. I will continue to add to this post as I gather more information. So please bare with me, as some houses may be a few words and others a whole paragraph. Also please do share insights, I love sharing information, and want to hear what you think. Positive sharing is always welcome. I must say, negativity for no reason ( this is the internet) will not be posted. I do monitor all comments. 

Remember: Greatly afflicted or negatively aspected charts will tend toward the extreme. Just because you have Nessus in a given house does not make you a sexual deviant automatically. The other chart elements give you fuller answers. 

1st house-

Sex obsessed, selfish, their needs come first, may watch themselves have sex or want to be watched. May be into photography and sex (documentation) or may present themselves/ or seem to others as extremely sexual. This house is related to self image as well, so it really asks you" what is your relationship with your sexuality? How comfortable are you? How do you feel in your body? This placement tends to make Nessus 1st house people (or Nessus conjunct the ascendant)  people sexy, mysterious and maybe even scary at the same time. They may also attract sexual attention early, or frequently without seeking it. Another possibility of this placement is attracting partners  who want to "own" them, or get obsessed with them, 

2nd house- 

Self worth related to sex, could be taken care of by others financially through sex (sugar daddy/mamma/ pimp etc), possible rejection issues, security found in sex, or may use money as form of abuse. This is the house of possessions, in terms of Nessus themes this could bring up some real power struggles with "possession" of another person. Whether someone wants to possess you or you are the one who want to possess. A person who submits money to a cause to help others, that form of charity is very Nessus in the 2nd house. 

3rd house- 

Possible experiences of abuse with siblings, communication used as form of sex or abuse.On a positive vibration those speaking for victims who cannot speak for themselves are Nessus in the 3rd types. They give a voice to those who do not have one, or are afraid to speak up. Also those who may have suffered abuse or sexual situations that choose to write about them to help others, they may be Nessus in the 3rd types, helping others through the spoken and written word. 

4th house- 

Possible family abuse, abuser or victim, violence in the home, incest themes, deep rooted psychological conditions from childhood related to Nessus themes.On the higher vibration Nessus here can indicate a person who is passionate about domestic abuse and may have been drawn to the work because of their early experiences with their own childhood. Or in a more general sense, they could be passionate about saving others from home/childhood related issues and working with children with no "roots" or "home."

5th house- 

Sexual deviance, sex addiction, self expression through sexual activity. May have many  relationships that border on abusive/sexual with many partners at once, or have/attract love affair situations. May take risks in sexuality and gamble with their sexual health. On a more positive note this placement could mean a person who uses sexual themes in their art or creative work. Strong themes of sex and creativity... or the possibility of healing any abuse they may have suffered through creative outlets. Are your sexual partners muses? Are you a muse to others? You may have this placement.A reminder: sex is not a band aid, or a heal all...you have to face things and really deal with them. A life of drinking, sex and fun won't solve all your problems. 

6th house- 

This is the house of healing, health and service..not much info on this one. But I would guess that an afflicted Nessus here could be pretty disturbing. The doctor who is inappropriate with clients when they are under, a person projecting themselves as a healer or a "helper" with more devious intentions underneath the helpings hands they extend to the unknown victims. Possibly Nessus' own placement in the myth? Or the other extreme could be a person who prefers abstinence due to fear of STD's, or sees sex as dirty. Possibly a person who needs a partner to bath or shave before they can engage in sexual activity. Nurses, gynecologists and sexual health counselors may have this placement. You know that sex ed class that used to be in school? Maybe that was Nessus in the 6th house. 

7th house- 

Strong themes of sex/abuse in 1 on 1 relationships.  Nessus themes prominent in marriage or with enemies. For example an abusive or taboo sex situation with a partner or sex with people one openly dislikes.  Possibility of enemies made after sexual encounters, or revenge themes and secrets kept in relationships. There is a good chance a divorce lawyer or marriage counselor would have Nessus here, helping couples dealing with less ideal Nessus aspects. 

8th house- 

Very strong possible placement of abuse, the abuser or the abused. Sex is intense and connected to "taboo" themes (sex, death, other peoples $ etc). Tantra falls here, so does the person who needs their partner to (or likes to themselves) "play dead" or lay still as they engage in sexual activity. Power play sexuality like: Dom/ Sub, BDSM, and Bondage all can be found here. This is also the house of transformation, a sign that one could have survived sexual abuse. Also a person who is helping victims heal and reclaim their lives after sexual abuse. Detectives who work in SVU and with sex crimes are good examples of people with 8th house Nessus. They want to get to the bottom of things (investigative Scorpio) and help others through uncovering and revealing the truth. 

9th house- 

Sexual themes connected to travel, things that seem foreign and higher education. (Example: sex crazy tourist, fetishes for specific races, a professor who sleep with students etc) Also connected to religion, in the extreme this is the placement of priests taking advantage of children and religious leaders who have sex cults. On a more positive vibration this can represent an individual who teaches others about abuse and sexual issues. In another extreme this could represent people whose religious ideas strongly dictate their views on sex and sex roles. 

10th house- 

Sex tied to career and social status. In the extreme, a possibility of forms of abuse used to attain success and sexual gain. (Ex: Sex workers, sex used to advance one's position, taking advantage of others in work place) On the more positive vibe this is a strong placement for people who work in careers dealing with Nessus issues to help others, and save them from their situations. 

11th house- 

Possibly abusive to friends and those around them. If heavily afflicted, a manipulative person, could also be a porn addict. Also the house of hopes, dreams and wishes this could be one of the most vulnerable houses to have susceptible to abuse. False hopes, dreams crushed..promises not fulfilled. Or the classic predatory "if you sleep with me I can make your dreams come true." On the good side this could be a person who joins a community/starts a movement/ or fights to stop abuse/ inappropriate sexual behavior in a community. The house of the humanitarian, at it's best Nessus here really wants and NEEDS to make a difference. This is the first person in the protest line, the first person to sign the petition...passionate and driven to defend the cause, this is the 11th house Nessus person. 

12th house- 

Traumatic abuse could have been suffered as a child, buried deep in the psychology of the person. Things are buried deep here, one may be attracted to dark fantasies and sex. The house of seclusion, fears, secrets and the occult we can only image how deviant Nessus can be here.  This could make for extreme sexual fears or fantasies, the kind of things they would keep to themselves because if it saw the light of day...this person could have some secrets to say the least. This is also an intuitive and healing house, so once trauma is faced and healed beautiful things happen. This could make for a healer/counselor/therpists who can really help heal others with buried, even past life sex/abuse issues. The risk of Nessus themes driving one to insanity or extreme disassociation is high here, as this is the house of institutions and hospitalization. 

I should know, I have Nessus here, and I've had some really awful things happen to me...things very few people know. I hope being open here I can give someone else with this placement some hope, if anything has happened to them Nessus related. Hopefully nothing has, and the placement is causing no issues. I'm a survivor and I came out of my horrific situations, once a victim I transformed into the strong survivor I am now. One more thing I will say about this placement, as it is the house of Neptune and Pisces, beware of deception. One of the things that happened to me was from a trusted friend, I really thought I knew him. I did not see the truth and I always felt safe around him. The veil is a real danger here, no matter how intuitive you naturally are. As a survivor and healer with this placement you can heal other survivors in a deep way, touch them in a way that no one else can. Nessus here has a lot of power in it's highest vibrations. 

...Coming soon "Nessus in the Signs" 

Wow, that was a lot. I hope you enjoyed this post...I will continue to refine it as I accumulate knowledge. And stay tuned for my next post "Personal experiences with Nessus" coming soon...

This blog is written by me, please do give credit and ask of you want to use this. This blog is copyright protected.  

Update: This will be referenced in an upcoming astrologers work, for that purpose it will be called: "Reflections on Nessus by Anais of Mystical Mandrake Root" 


New Moon In Virgo: What does it all mean...

This New Moon in Virgo has been quite wonderful, very welcomed energy after that INTENSE Full Moon. The Supermoon earlier this month seemed to either free people from the chains that bound them or turn others into rebellious wild teens all over again. I experienced the latter.  

The New Moon is a highly magical and intuitive time of beginnings and setting new goals. The New Moon phase is a wonderful time to get organized, get moving and take care of anything (big or small) that you've been putting off. Do you have something major ( a talk, a move, new website, business plan etc) that needs to be done now? This really is the perfect time. Even more so because this New Moon (which officially occurred on Monday, August 25th, 2014 at 10:13 AM EDT) is in realistic, practical and grounded Virgo. 

All the signs have amazing things to offer, of course, but Virgo is ideal for getting things done. With Virgo on the throne we can all access more analytical, grounded, practical and goal oriented energies. Yes, the low vibes are being too reserved and overly critical...but if you feel yourself going there just chilllll out

The best way to use this New Moon? Tap into the Virgo vibe, get real and get moving. Roll up your sleeves, commit to your goals and wishes and do the work. Remember we can be our own worst critic with this energy as well, so reward yourself and take pride in even the littlest


Anything work, health and nutrition related also have more success now. Make plans, set intentions, get off the couch, pay attentions to details, and manage your life in a constructive and mindful way. 

I do not own or know the source of this picture. 

Curious about how this New Moon effects you specifically? Take a look at your chart.What house has Virgo on the cusp?

Get serious, organized and earthy with...

1. Yourself, your well being, your physical self

2. Your finances, possessions and values
3. Your communication, siblings and thinking patterns
4. Your home, your family, your domestic life
5. Your self expression (creative, sexual)
6. Your health, routines and work situation (Virgo's house!)
7. Your relationships (partners, lovers, marriage etc)
8. Your life force, sex, death (transformation) and change
9. Issues related to travel, higher education and faith or lack thereof
10. Your career and ambitions
11. You in relation to groups, social life,
12. Your subconscious and your fears. Where do you tend to hide? Where and why do you escape?


The Power Trio: Sun, Moon & Ascendant

Let’s jump back into learning about the birth chart. To start I would love to introduce the power trio. To me, a great first step is to get familiar with your own power trio. This threesome (um trio…) consists of the SUN, the MOON and the Ascendant (also known as the Rising Sign).


Core or “Default” self = SUN sign

Emotional self = MOON sign

Outward self or “the Costume you wear” = ASCENDANT/ RISING sign

The Sun Sign in Astrology

The Sun represents the self, it’s the main expression we choose. Further information can be found according to the sign you are born into, further more the placement of the Sun in the chart. In the chart the Sun represents: Will, core personality, drive, male relationships in the female chart, how the personality operates, inner strength.

The Moon Sign in Astrology

The Moon represents the “true” inner self. Further information can be found according the individual’s Moon sign (based on birth data) and Moon placement in the chart. In the birth chart the moon represents: Subconscious self, feelings, femininity, memory, security, receptivity, habits and patterns, where emotion conquers reason.

For Moon Sign descriptions see my post on Moon Sign Astrology

The Ascendant/Rising Sign in Astrology
Located on the cusp of the 1st house in the chart the Ascendant/ Rising sign is based on our birth data. Depending on what time we are born a specific sign is on the the horizon (this is sun sign aside). Without a birth time we do not know what the ascendant is. The Ascendant clearly differentiates the differences in temperament, style, physical looks and personality of those born on the same day.

Because the ASC is located only on the 1st house cusp we will break this down by sign. ASC = Ascendant

Ps… good time to practice drawing those symbols!!!

Aries ASC: Outgoing, quick, impulsive. combative, headstrong

Taurus ASC: Strong, stable, quiet, possessive, resourceful

Gemini ASC: Dualistic, communicative, witty, clever, nervous

Cancer ASC: Sympathetic, devoted, emotional, protective, receptive

Leo ASC: Self confident, romantic, extroverted, risk taking, sentimental

Virgo ASC: Active, alert mind, restless, methodical, practical

Libra ASC: Sociable, indecisive, diplomatic, beauty seeking, friendly

Scorpio ASC: passionate, instinctual, investigative, intuitive, can be too fixed

Sagittarius ASC: Outgoing, adventure seeking, social, talkative, restless

Capricorn ASC: Determined, ambitious, reserved, can be too serious, hard working

Aquarius ASC: Inventive, unique, intellectual, can be calculating, creative

Pisces ASC: Easy going, intuitive, sympathetic, can be impressionable, dreamer

Now have some fun! What is your power trio? Do you play well with each other or clash? How do you feel their influence?

The Planets in Astrology

The planets are of great importance, as they dance around the Sun in our solar system. Now imagine yourself as the Sun, this is how the planets work in regards to us and in our birth charts. The planets are: The Sun*, Moon*, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus and Neptune. (Wondering where Pluto is? See below)**

* The Sun and Moon are actually not planets, they are Luminaries. However for purposes of simplicity in astrology they are counted as a planes.

**Pluto was discovered then demoted. Poor thing. But I still use it. Depending on the astrologer (and how true they want to stay to scientific trends) there are 7 true planets (excluding the Sun and Moon) or 8 counting Pluto.

The Planets with Keywords

Sun - Will, Spirit, Individuality

Moon - Feelings, emotions, “inner baby”

Mercury -mind, communication, thinking

Venus- Love, relationships, affections

Mars- Drive, passion, energy

Jupiter- Opportunity, growth, expansion

Saturn- Limitation, responsibility, maturity

Uranus- Independence, originality, awakening

Neptune- Mysticism, divine compassion, service

Pluto- power, regeneration, sexuality

PLUTO has two symbols

Modern symbol:

Original symbol:

Use whichever you are comfortable with. But do get familiar with both.

* Pluto, the poor thing was discovered then recently demoted from the planet club. Each astrologer is diffident, I still choose to use and include Pluto.

**The Sun and the Moon are not planets, they are Luminaries. But for simplicity they are called "Planets".

I don't know the original source of these charts used, and I do not claim them as my own.

Mini Lessons on the Symbols in Astrology

You may have already noticed all the little symbols and signs involved in astrology. I’ll say right now, you have to learn these! When you finally work with the birth chart you will see nothing is spelled out, you have to understand the symbols and know what they stand for. As I have been reviewing my posts I realized I have not included them in the past. Now, my first post in a very long time will be all about the symbols in astrology (known as the glyphs) and what they mean.

Tips to learn: Practice practice practice! Draw the symbol with the word until you are comfortable enough to just work with the symbol itself. After some time test yourself, see if you can tell what the symbols are without the words.

Lesson One: The 12 signs

You may have also seen these drawings of the 12 signs as well:

Lesson Two: The Planets

A post describing the planets is coming up next. Keep your eyes out for it! It’s long overdue. :)

PLUTO has two symbols

Modern symbol:

Original symbol:

Use whichever you are comfortable with. But do get familiar with both.

* Pluto, the poor thing was discovered then recently demoted from the planet club. Each astrologer is diffident, I still choose to use and include Pluto.

**The Sun and the Moon are not planets, they are Luminaries. But for simplicity they are called "Planets".

*I do not know the original sources of these charts, and do not claim them as my own.


Moon's transits through the Signs & What it means

The Moon transits the 12 signs and stays in each sign for about 2-3 days. Becoming more aware of these transits can help us in a number of ways. For example,  if you just want to know when the most fiery days are to kick into action, look out for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius moons.

There is a wealth of information about moon transits online, this is an introduction to get you started.

Aries Moon- We are motivated, want to start fresh, feel energetic, enthusiastic and active. Our impulses and animal instincts are strong. Low Vibes - Aggressive, beginning but not completing projects. Relationships & sexuality - Crash & burn affairs. Introduce some excitement  in long standing relationships. Try to avoid selfish and aggressive behavior, someone may get hurt. (Enjoy the BDSM, but have a safe word!)   

Taurus Moon- We are concerned with security, peace, feeling good and comfort. Things move at a slower pace now, stop and smell the roses. Low vibes: Materialistic, stubborn
Relationships & Sexuality - Long standing romances start now but may face boredom in the long run. A strong feeling of comfort with partners and lovers. (Great time to make love to candle light and provide chocolates and wine)

Gemini Moon- We have the urge to communicate and seek variety in our everyday lives. Study, connecting, sharing information and short trips are all supported by this moon. Low vibes- Restlessness, fickle. Relationships & Sexuality - Light & fun affairs being now, no strings attached. In long standing relationships: A good time to connect on a mental/ communicative level. (Phone sex anyone? Watch who you send those nude pics too!)

Cancer Moon- The desire to stay home and the need for peace and quiet are amplified. This is a healing and deeply emotional moon. Relationships and family are highlighted now. Low vibes - Over emotional, reclusive. Relationships & Sexuality - A great moon to start a relationship. Emotional connection is deep and we feel “at home” with partner. Watch for moodiness, jealousy and clinginess during this moon. Not a good time for one night stands! ( Did you come home to a clean house & your partner made dinner? Your friends may not see you for the next few days!)

Leo Moon- A prideful, joyous and playful moon. It bring out our inner child, movie star and leader. We feel creative, seek attention and just want to have fun. Low vibes - Egocentric, possessive. Relationships & Sexuality - Fun, exciting and playful romantic encounters. If a long standing romance, make sure you have fun together, bring more playfulness into the relationship. Watch for “me me me” syndrome, think about the other person too. ( Time to take out those costumes from the sex shop or put on a scene with a naughty ending)

Virgo Moon- We seek practical, grounding and mental activities. We are at home with routine, details and re-organizing our lives. Low vibes -  perfectionism, critical. Relationships & Sexuality-  Not the best time to start a romance unless you both have strong Virgo influence. You are hyper aware or all the things you don't like now, relax a bit you’ll surprise yourself. If in a relationship some sort of sacrifice may be made to keep the harmony. (Once the security  gates come down there is no turning back, the floodgates open up in the bedroom)

Libra Moon- We are concerned with being integrated and creating our environment. We feel diplomatic and avoid conflict at all costs. Teamwork, projects and social life go well. Low vibes - Superficial, indecisive. Relationship & Sexuality - Talk about romance! One of the best moons to be in or begin a romance or relationship. Under this moon traditional gestures, mood setting and gifts get you far. ( Leave her a love note and some flowers, then look forward to a real sensual sexfest) Do watch for yourself or your partner doing something they don't want to do, just to keep the peace.

Scorpio Moon- Life is about passion, emotional depth, instinct and self examination now. We want to go deeper, feel more, investigate the world around us. Low vibes - Manipulative behavior, brooding. Relationships & Sexuality - Want an all consuming, enduring, earth shattering romance or sexual encounter? Start it during a Scorpio moon. Talk about feeling everything at once! Do watch for possessiveness, obsession and dishonesty. If in a relationship where your physical needs are not being met? Be honest about it, yes Scorpio is loyal, but someones got to quench that sexual thirst. (The keyword here is intense, better hope you don’t have to get up early the next day or do anything physically strenuous. There may be some sore spots!)

Sagittarius Moon- One of the most optimistic, spontaneous  and vision driven moons. We want to travel, explore, and think about the big picture. We don’t care about the details, we want to just “wing it”. Low vibes - Getting ahead of ourselves, over-doing it. Relationships & Sexuality - One thing is for sure, you’ll have an adventure with each other. Due to the mutable nature of this sign the romance can end up either reliable or not. If in a relationship take that couples trip up to cabin or hop on a plane together. It will draw you closer and the excitement will turn you on. (If you make them laugh, excite them, surprise them or suggest trying the Kama sutra, plan to get your world rocked!)

Capricorn Moon- Suddenly aware of the need for structure and rules we are pulled back to earth with this moon. We are driven to succeed, manifest and work toward our goals now. Low vibes - depression, feeling boggled down by reality, unrealistic expectations of other or self.  Relationships & Sexuality - Not a recommended time to start a romance. It is hard to get things going. If in a relationship there may be some challenges to overcome, unless both parties are grounded and mature. In this case you feel secure and content in the partnership. ( If you don’t have you stuff together you have little to no chance. But a polished, confident and stylish suitor may get invited home at the end of the night.)

Aquarius Moon-  Something different is the key term. We crave the unusual, the eccentric and the unexpected. We are open minded and progressive now. Group activities are successful.  Low vibes - emotional detachment, unpredictable. Romance & Sexuality - Suddenly in the mood to take someone home but nothing deeper? This is a moon for it. This moon wants to try new things and change it up. In a relationship, spice things up, you could be so into your own minds and fantasies that you lose emotional touch with each other. Throw the predictable out the window. ( Go to a bar and pretend to be strangers, watch an erotic movie together. Just do something different that is within your comfort zone.)

Pisces Moon- This moon is all about dreams, alternate realities and being in our own world. We want nothing to do with reality, we may find ourselves asking “what else is there?”. This is the best moon for magical, mystical and esoteric activities. Low vibes - extreme introvertism, head in the clouds. Relationships & Sexuality - A time of tender, deeply intimate and emotional romances. Meetings now may feel fated, destined or from past lives. But there is the danger of viewing the romance in rose colored glasses. There may be unrealistic expectations or elements of sacrifice. Make sure both parties are on the same page. If in a relationship keep communication open if feeling misunderstood. If things are good, you may find yourself like two peas in a pod. (Non verbal communication goes a long way now, with the right eye gaze you could go from sitting across each other for coffee to feeling your bodies as one.)