
The Rising Sign: What kind of frosting are you?

The Rising sign, also known as the Ascendant is the icing on top of our astro cake. It can be found sitting on the cusp of the first house in the birth chart. At it's most basic function the rising sign is the first impression we give. Have you ever heard someone say, "You are so funny, you seemed so serious when I met you" or "You're so quiet, that night we met you were super chatty." These are perfect examples of how the rising sign works. It's who we are to the world, the faces and roles we play or the way associates and strangers see us.  The rising sign isn't all superficial though, it can be a wonderful tool to use in conjunction with your sun sign.

A great spiritual description of the rising sign is found in the book Cosmic Navigator by Gahl Eden Sasson. He says that the rising sign represents the road you chose to reach your Sun signs destiny. For example, if you're an Aries one of your major life lessons is dealing with leadership. If you're an Aries with Capricorn rising you can successfully use your leadership skills in environments where you work hard for results, or climb the ladder so to speak. If you're an Aries with Pisces rising you can use your leadership skills in a mystical or out of the box way like creating a new form of healing, or being the voice of a spiritual/ healing movement. In social environments the Aries with Capricorn rising may seem less impulsive and fiery than an typical Aries. This Aries Cap rising may also prefer to be the coach of a sports team vs a team player. The Aries with Pisces rising would channel their Aries Ram energy by practicing Bikram Yoga or dancing the Samba instead of playing football or running track. The Aries intensity and need for action and movement would be channeled through a healing/creative outlet versus an action oriented quick fix or sport. 

Below is a fun and simple introduction to the traits of the 12 rising signs, good and bad. There is so much more information about each one, more than I can fit here, but this will get you started. 

The 12 types of icing and what they mean

Aries Rising:

You are independent, strong willed and a natural born leader. You have no problem going after what you want and are seen as the brave one by others. You can be stubborn, selfish and impatient. Your natural competitiveness and energy to burn must be channeled because you can become quite restless. Use this energy in your work, physical activity and achieving your goals. 

Taurus Rising:

You are steadfast, grounded, focused and love all things of beauty. You are intuitive, patient and have stamina to burn. Values are beyond important to you and you like to do things one way, your way! Comfort is one of your favorite words and because of that you must watch for overindulgence like a solar Taurus. Use your great gifts and intuitive mind to conquer your goals. 

Gemini Rising:

Your world is ruled by intellect and communication. You are the queen/king of words and do well in anything dealing with critical thinking and communicating ideas. The most natural profession for you includes trading information and you are always on the look out for meeting new people and opportunities to network. You are a natural chameleon and can seem like two people to others and even yourself. You can be jumpy, opinionated, gossipy and restless. Use your great mental energy and natural charm with the public to conquer the world.  

Cancer Rising:

Talk about doing everything with feeling! You are nurturing, giving, sensitive and security driven. You have intensely strong paternal and healing instincts. You can be overprotective, withdrawn and too attached to the past like a solar Cancer. Stay away from the wounded souls you seem to attract, it's not your job to fix them. Turn that need to nurture to yourself and use your ability to see beneath the surface to fully step into your power and become the best version of yourself. 

Leo Rising:

Hear me rawr! Leo risings are as obvious as a solar Leos, whether or not they are trying to hide it is the real issue. They are confident (or they SEEM that way and are working really hard on being confident), extroverted (outwardly or can be as quiet as a mouse with raging red hair and bracelets up to their elbows), spontaneous, and impulsive. They can be a special kind of stubborn, antsy, quick tempered and dramatic. They love deeply, attract attention (whether they want it or not) and have many interests. Their road is an interesting one, once they are doing what their hearts want they live happy and pleasant lives.   

Virgo Rising:

Virgo is that person you know who gets EVERYTHING done! They have quick minds, knowledge to share and the neatest planner ever. You love them, even if it's kind of annoying they make you use coasters every time you come over. They are methodical, practical , quiet and sometimes shy. On their worst days they can be picky, nervous, opinionated and anxious. Learning to let their hair down and lighten up makes a world of difference for Virgo rising and makes the world a more enjoyable place for them.

Libra Rising:

Looking good, I love your style! What a beautiful apartment! Oh you made that? All comments Libra rising is sure to be familiar with. They are creative, talented, serious DIY-ers, and social butterflies. They are more fixed than they seem and can be rigid, competitive, shrewd, unbalanced and people pleasers. At their best they are like an aromatic blossoming flower, beautiful inside and out and everyone wants to be around to see whats next. 

Scorpio rising:

Oh the magnetism of Scorpio rising. They are like that beautiful maybe antique... can't really tell, glass bowl that you really really want to touch but feel like you can't. They radiate an energy that either attracts like moths to a flame, intimidates or just leaves people down right confused. Shrouded in mystery, even if they are the calmest, most grounded person ever is the clutch of Scorpio rising. Used positively they can come to terms with the power they radiate and become amazing, deep and well rounded people or use it to keep others away like a "danger beware of dog" sign.

Sagittarius Rising:

Extroverted, outgoing, loads of fun, energetic and...I know I said it already but man are they fun! Sagittarius risings are freedom loving, adventure seeking life enthusiasts just like solar Sag. Having an outdoors adventure? Want to go out dancing? Bring a Sagittarius rising with you. On their worst days they can be restless, scattered and emotionally cold. And just like solar Sagittarius need to watch out for their words, they can really hurt someones feelings  They love to talk, attract people like flies and make it their mission to enjoy life no matter what. 

Capricorn Rising:

I don't know how she does it! Bachelors degree straight into a Masters and she works full time! Capricorn rising is ambitious, determined, quick minded, practical and reserved just like solar Capricorns. Depending on rest of chart these traits can be weakened and the Capricorn rising may have to work harder to embody them. They have high standards and may often set goals so high that they are forced to reexamine themselves and their goals. They are dependable, honest and stick to their values. On the unpleasant side they can be negative nancies, stressed out and suffer from anxiety attacks. The best way to harness their energy is to set realistic standards, goals and expectations of themselves and others. 

Aquarius Rising:

Everyone knows him, everywhere we go he knows someone!  Aquarius rising, like solar Aquarians don't need to do a thing to attract fans, they just come. Maybe it's the gleam in their eyes, the way they smile, how personable and friendly they are or if we want to be honest about it...that aloofness and air of unavailability is pretty damn sexy. Or irritating  depending on who you are talking too. Aquarius rising is fun, light hearted, intellectual and need stimulation. They have active minds, active imaginations and a never ending to do list. On a bad day they are detached, cold or just down right mean. 

Pisces Rising:

Just like solar Pisces these ascendant love all things metaphysical and other-worldly. That girl with the glitter in her hair, that guy who writes fantasy fiction about his favorite show, that person you know who even in a deep conversation seems to be somewhere else...all Pisces risings. Dreamers, lovers, artist...I JUST WANT TO DO WHAT I LOVE AND NOTHING ELSE. Like their solar Pisces cousins these ascendant on a bad day suffer deep depressions, disappointments and general disillusionment with the world around them. Keeping the faith, and doing what they love creates a happy existence.