
Sun Signs! Part I

What is a Sun sign? The Sun signs are the basis for the horoscope, it's the "club" we belong to based on our birthday. The dates get tricky if you were born on the cusp of a sign. For example, if you were born April 20th, you could be an Aries or a Taurus according to what book, website or source you use. The best way to fix this is to look up your chart, or get it done by someone. That way you know exactly where the sun was the year you were born, therefore knowing your real sun sign. We will discuss cusp birthdays further at another time.

Now back to this club business. If you were born on March 3rd, you are a member of the Pisces club. Does it mean you are just like everyone in your club? No, but you share some basic similarities and core values that make you part of that group. The Sun sign describes our basic personality traits that remain constant throughout life. It represents our innermost, truest self. There are also three subcategories the signs are divided into. One is called the elements (The four elements are air, fire, water and earth.), the other modalities (cardinal, fixed, mutable). 

The 12 signs and their Element

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Fire astrology signs can sure heat up a room! They are passionate, quick to action, temperamental and adventurous. The key to this element is management. If their fire is not used properly they can burn everything in their path, then burn themselves out! They can be great leaders and self starters. They just have to remember to look before they leap! 

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Water signs can be a cool drink on a summer day, or like diving into the mysterious depths of the ocean. Think about it, contained water is easy to deal with, but water that is un-contained can cause damage or drown its surroundings. Water signs are tuned into the emotional and psychic currents of life. Because they are so in-tune they have to remember not to allow themselves to be swept away with the currents! 

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Earth is the foundation on which everything is built. Earth astrology signs are grounded, stable and dependable. No space cadets or head in clouds types here. They dislike change more than the average person, and are steady and patient. They do have to watch for tendencies toward  possessiveness, worrying and materialism. 

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Air signs love freedom! Don't fence me in and Let me spread my wings are great expressions for them. They are innovative, intellectual types that possess a natural knack for communicating. But they can live too much in their own heads, and must watch out for being emotionally detached, judgmental, and scattered. 

The 12 signs and their Modalities 

Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) - Active, ambitious, dynamic, direct, impulsive, impatient

Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) - Stable, persistent, organized, courageous, stubborn, bossy 

Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) - Adaptable, flexible, tolerant, changeable, cynical, tactless

Up next: Part II - The 12 signs and what they have to say for themselves!